Friday, November 12, 2010

Facebook vs. Google

Our assignment was to make a survey and ask few people questions about Facebook and make a report. When they start to use facebook & what was it that made them start using facebook and what they are doing, playing games or something else.
Well while I was doing my report this news on caught my eye. Is Facebook getting bigger than Google?? according to this news, Google is paying their employees more money so they wont go and work for Facebook. Facebook is in competition against Google according to and they are going to offer email service, just like Nice, I'm going to check it out when it's ready! that doesn't sound bad!

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Swine flu season is begun

Last year, 2009 there was an outbreak in Mexico that we call swine flu (h1n1). More then 150 people died. It started to spread out really fast, infecting people in several countries and causing governments to issue warnings and advisories against travel to Mexico.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), worldwide, more than 213 countries and overseas territories or communities have reported laboratory confirmed cases of pandemic influenza h1n1, 2009, including at least 16.455 deaths.

According to BBC News 27. October 2010, there are two swine flu cases confirmed in Northern Ireland. Dr Brian Smyth, from the PHA said “  there were likely to be more “sporadic” cases of swine flue over the next few weeks as the flue season kicks in.”
They are not expecting the flu to be as bad like last year, so far there have not been any cases confirmed in Iceland.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Finding news

Next assignment is to write a news, i've been looking for something to write about. I went on BBC and Mbl and other news websites to find something but No, not much that catch my eye... hopefully I find something to write about before fridaynight.