Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Film making, script and screen play

In class today we were talking about films and scripts... so I went on Google and i searched "About movies, screen play and film making" and i found this page How to write a screen play and there is four stages of any screenplay and there is few questions you need to answer before you begin to write: 

  • Who is your main character?
  • What is he/she trying to accomplish?
  • Who is trying to stop him/her?
  • What happens if he/she fails?
aaaaand so on... but yeah! i visited my best friend again! Google :) and searched for something else and I found this page Film School Online - Yeah this page is alright, you get a lot of information about film making on it. You go step by step, first screenwriting and then preproduction and so on... only that is annoying me is the ad on this page, no sorry i mean ADS! lot's of them!

Here is lot of scripts..  The internet movie script database

Oh great! now i forgot what i was looking for.... 

....nah! my friend helped me again! I love Google i found a script of one of my favorite movie's! Love this movie! Billy Elliot but sadly the cast names are missing! and it's just the text :/ i know this movie very well, i could finish the script for that guy! I might do it just for the fun! but here are the Billy Elliot cast my favorite scene is the Dance Scene this movie is AMAZING! if I need to give this movie rade from 1-5 i give it 10. I love the british accent, I really like the music in this film and i love when Billy starts to dance, when he gets angry or scared he can't control himself and he express himself by dancing!!

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