Monday, October 11, 2010

Comic books

In class we were talking about comic books, and we went to the library to find a comic book, I found this book "Zombie Highway" and if you are interested you can read about the book here. I actually like this comic, I like zombie movies! I think Zombies are funny but still I fear the undead!! I'm terrified that numerous corpses will rise from the dirt and head straight for my house and burst through the front door and munch on my brain! :( That's my biggest phobia! Don't make fun of me :)

For next class we are supposed to make a Comic, I checked out the program that Maria was talking about, Comic Life! It's awesome, I like it and i tried to make a Comic... but I'm having a hard time doing this project. I used picture's of my family and yeah I think it's funny but you might find it stupid i think... well it's about my family so i think it's funny! But I'm gonna finish my comic, at least try.

I admit that I usually don't read comic books but I sometimes read comics on the internet, You can find al kinds of short comics and pictures on Deviant art.  I found one short comic that I really like! It's a comic about Europe, making fun of the country's. The text is too small to read so you can check the comic out here.

Why haven't I start reading comic books earlier? Instead of wasting time sometimes by doing nothing I could have reading comics, get ideas... well, always doing something new :) after this assignment I think I will check out some comic books when I'm bored instead of doing nothing!

I found this page on Google that help you make a comic book -> here 
and i also found this page "How to be a comic book nerd" haha :)

1 comment:

  1. It´s not easy writing a comic, I´ll agree with you on that!
