Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Short stories.

Hello, our project today is to find short stories and read them and write an opinion of them. I went on www.google.com and searched " free short stories" and i found this page http://www.world-english.org/stories.htm all kinds of "classic short stories" and some of them might be interesting. I viewed the list and there are stories like "sherlock Holmes" and "Romeo and juliet." One thing that i don't like on this page is when i click on some story to open, it downloads into my computer! maybe it's because I'm using Mac? i don't know..
I also found this page http://free-online-novels.com/sciencefiction.html and this page has free online novels!   I think this page is better than the other page i found,  you can choose how you will read the stories, online or if you want it in .pdf or in .doc file but some of the stories offers you to download it into your computer. 

And also this page http://www.hugi.is/smasogur/ is an icelandic page, where people put their own stories online and get opinion on them. Sometimes they have a short story contest but there are always some theme and you have to write your story out from that theme and the best story win a price. I Like this page, if you want to put your short story online and get feedback on it then this is a good start and maybe one day you will be famous author and get known for your stories, well people have to start somewhere.

And if you think what is a short story? you can find it here Short stories. Short stories are " A short story is a work of fiction that is usually written in prose, often in narrative format. This format tends to be more pointed than longer works of fiction, such as novellas (in the 20th and 21st century sense) and novels or books. "

You could write a short story that has more meaning and moral in it then a whole book.

I Also found this, I think this is a good page-  Inspiring stories  i read the story "Touching Life Story."
This story is about a young man who is going to graduate from college, and he wanted a car from his father as a graduate gift, a very awesome car that he really liked and only thing that he wanted, and his father gave him a bible. And this guy didn't like it at all and got angry to his father, his father was a rich man and only thing he got from his father was this bible that he didn't want to check out, he stopped talking to his father and when he wanted to meet him and do arrangement then he got a telegram telling him that his father passed away. And when this guy went to his father's place he found the bible that he never wanted and saw a car key back of it of the car that he really wanted.

What can we learn from this story? Why do people have to be like this? Why can't people be happy what they get! If i would get a bible as a gift i would be happy, but if i didn't want the bible, i wouldn't show the person that by acting like this! Was it worth it? stop talking to his father because of this? I don't think so! The quote is “it's the thought that counts” if he would have stopped being an ASS he might have an awesome car and a good relationship between him and his father. This story makes me a little sad and angry and sometimes I don't get why people have to be so bratty. ( definiton of the word Bratty )



  1. Those people on hugi sometimes make great stuff
    can be quite entertaining when bored

  2. ...though sometimes the lame comments on hugi are more entertaining than the "real" writing ; )

    thanks, jónína
